TUOYR Red Light and Infrared Therapy for Whole Body

March 26, 2023

TUOYR Red Light and Infrared Therapy for Whole Body

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TUOYR Red Light and Infrared Therapy for Whole Body | Click Here Light Device

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Everything You Need To Know About Infrared Light Therapy

TUOYR Red Light and Infrared Therapy for Whole Body: Light Device

  • Perfect Light Therapy and Service – 2-7 days delivery & 1 Year full warranty on the whole product. LIFETIME FREE REPLACEMENT on charger, controller, and connectors!
  • This device is divided into 4 light therapy pads can be freely combined and used, the large area can be tiled on the floor to allow the back, shoulders, neck, and lower back to enjoy red light therapy at the same time.
  • Safe & Natural Solution – This light therapy device shows no negative side effects on people. It helps speed up joint recovery and alleviates pain, great for sports injuries, arthritis, neuropathy, sprains, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, neck and shoulder stiffness, sore back, muscle pain, inflammatory conditions, sciatica, tendonitis, and tissue repair.
  • 23.6’’ x 39.2’’ 4 pads Large treatment area – Making treatment time dramatically shorter & total 968 pcs pro red and deep penetrating infrared lights, penetrate deeply in the tissues.
  • The red and infrared light system is consists of a 23.6″ x 9.8″ x 4 pads embedded with an alternating array of 484 red light (660 nm ) and 484 invisible infrared lights(880 nm) .
  • Auto Shut-Off Timer(20 minutes) – The infrared light healing therapy can be used multiple times a day according to the needs of the body. Wide voltage AC 100 – 240 V, DC 12 V. 15 Ft power cord is long enough in the range of your activity.
  • Doctor-Recommended & Used by Health Professionals – This led therapy utilizes the state of the art technology used on Pro Athletes by today’s leading Doctors, Physical Therapists, and Trainers.
  • It’s been tested in real life by several athletes and the aged. Now you can successfully apply to ease painful joints and muscles at home for a fraction of the cost.

Infrared light therapy is a new technique that uses infrared light to treat chronic and acute pain. The good thing about this therapy is that it is simple, easy to use, and painless. Nowadays, it has been used widely for cosmetic treatments and medical purposes.

Remember that infrared therapy is a new and modern light-based technique to treat inflammation and pain in different body parts. It is unlike ultraviolet light because it is dangerous to damage the skin.

It enhances cell regeneration and is usually delivered to the site of inflammation and injury. People use this technology to treat different body pains, including back pain. Infrared light therapy is used at specific wavelengths for treating inflammation and promoting cell repair.

The main feature of infrared light is that it can penetrate even the deep layers of skin and give you better pain relief than anything else. Another good quality of infrared light is its safe, natural, and painless. So, in other words, it provides a broad range of health benefits.

So you should also try this new therapy as it is the best solution for your skincare and overall wellness goals. This post will discuss how infrared treatment works and its health benefits. We will also discuss a great device named Tuoyr Red Light and Infrared Therapy for the Whole Body.

Infrared therapy: how does it work?

A 2 to 7 cm deep layer of skin can be penetrated by infrared light. This means it can reach muscle tissue, nerve tissue, and even bone tissue.This is why it is perfect for inflammatory healing conditions and body pains. It can be possible because infrared light has a frequency of wavelengths from 700 to 1000 nanometers.

By using infrared therapy, you can gain the health benefits of the sun without the harmful UV rays. Hence, infrared therapy is safe, effective, and does not cause any side effects. It has also been reported that this light is used in neonatal intensive care units for infants.

Photoreceptors in the cells absorb infrared light when it enters the body. Upon absorption, light energy triggers a series of metabolic reactions. In the body, it stimulates natural processes at the cellular level.

Why are people using infrared therapy nowadays?

Veterinary, medical, dental, and autoimmune diseases are all treated with infrared therapy today.The best thing about infrared treatment is that it is safe and used to treat different health conditions. Therefore, the therapy treats joint stiffness, arthritis, and muscle pain.

There are many benefits to this therapy for the human body, including the reduction of muscle tension, the reduction of anxiety, the reduction of pain, the reduction of body weight, the reduction of skin cancer risk, the improvement of circulation, the lowering of blood pressure, and the strengthening of the immune system.

Best infrared therapy light device

TUOYR Red Light and Infrared Therapy for Whole Body: Light Device

TUOYR Red Light and Infrared Therapy for Whole Body: Light Device

TUOYR is a great brand for manufacturing high-quality infrared therapy light devices. This light is best for treating back and shoulder pain and plays an important role in muscle recovery. So we can say that it is a deep energy therapy device for home use. Let’s discuss some of its features in detail.

Safe and Natural Solution

It is a great light therapy device with no side effects and helps speed joint recovery. It also plays a very important role in alleviating different body pains. It is perfect for treating arthritis, sports injuries, neck and shoulder stiffness, muscle pain, sciatica, back pain, sore back, carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, etc.

Auto shut-off timer

Remember to use infrared light healing therapy devices multiple times daily for the body’s needs. The best feature of this device is that it comes up with an auto shut-off timer with which it will automatically shut itself off after 20 minutes.

Long power cord

With the help of a 15 ft power cord, you can use the device for more areas in the range of your activity.

Wide voltage

This light therapy device is the best one with wide voltage, having AC voltage from 100 to 240 volts and a DC voltage of 12 V.

Used by health professionals

It is a great LED therapy device recommended by doctors and used by many health professionals. Most surprisingly, different athletes and aged people use this device frequently to relieve muscle pain and spasm. You can therefore apply this infrared therapy light device to ease painful joints and muscles at home.

TUOYR Red Light and Infrared Therapy for Whole Body: Light Device

1-year full warranty

It is a great device where the manufacturers offer a 1-year full warranty on the whole product, and you will get your product within 2 to 7 days of delivery.

Lifetime free replacement

Most surprisingly, the manufacturers offer lifetime free replacement on controllers, connectors, and chargers.

Design of the device

It is an incredible device divided into four light therapy pads. You can combine these pads and use them on the larger areas of your body, such as your back. Moreover, you can also use this infrared light device on your shoulders, neck, and lower back at the same time.

How does infrared therapy benefit your health?

You will be surprised to know that infrared therapy has many health benefits. Let’s discuss these benefits in detail.

Treating muscular injuries

By stimulating the growth and repair of muscle cells and tissues within the body, infrared therapy enhances mitochondrial function.In other words, we can say that this type of light therapy triggers the repairing process after the muscle injury.

Pain and inflammation

Due to its ability to penetrate the deep layers of the skin, infrared therapy is also used to treat pain and inflammation. Injured tissues receive oxygen and nutrients as it stimulates circulation in the skin.

Cancer treatment

With the help of this therapy, you can also treat harmful diseases such as cancer. When exposed to infrared radiation, the nanoparticles become highly toxic to the cancer cells surrounding them.


Infrared light therapy also helps in the detoxification process, which improves food digestion. Therefore, it can do detoxification at the cellular level.

Cardiovascular health

Improvement of cardiovascular health is one of the most important benefits of infrared light therapy. This substance inhibits blood clotting and clumping and helps relax the arteries and veins.

Red light versus infrared light therapy: what is the difference?

There is a difference between infrared light therapy and red light therapy. You can easily see red light, whereas you cannot see infrared light. Red light comes in the visible spectrum, whereas Infrared comes in the longer wavelength. Therefore Infrared light easily reaches deep into the skin, muscles, nerves, and even bones.

Can we combine red light and infrared light therapy?

Yes, we can easily combine red light and infrared light therapy to deliver the maximum results. So both these therapies combine to treat pains such as arthritis pain. As well as reducing signs of aging, these products improve the overall complexion of the skin.

These techniques provide better regeneration of sore muscles.

But light therapies help relieve discomfort in the head and neck. They are used to treat pains in the joints, especially back pain. They are also helpful in alleviating chronic pain such as strains, sprains, aches, bursitis, tendinitis, joint injury, and much more.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is infrared light therapy used for?

Infrared light therapy treats health conditions such as bursitis, arthritis, back pain, muscle strain, neck pain, arthritis, tendonitis, sciatica, diabetic neuropathy, and much more.

Which is better: red light therapy or infrared light therapy?

Infrared light is best for you if you have chronic pains or toxicity. However, on the other side, a red light LED session is more effective if you want to treat skin conditions.

Can we use infrared light every day?

Yes, of course, you can use infrared light therapy daily but keep the manufacturer’s instructions in mind. So if you are going through any chronic pain, especially arthritis or back pain, you should start a daily routine of using red light therapy.

Final thoughts

With the help of infrared light therapy, you can easily reduce pain and treat a wide array of conditions. This therapy is safe, effective, and drug-free. The good thing about infrared light therapy is that it gives you long-lasting pain relief and helps to heal injured body parts.

In addition, it also gives you multiple benefits, such as restoration of the function of the affected body parts and reduction of inflammation. Thus it also gives you remarkable pain relief in different joints. It also treats conditions like muscle pain, nerve pain, sports injuries, and joint inflammation.

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